Unchecked Preferences

Guest Post

By Rick Packer

This month’s Thoughts from the Field (September, 2022) is written by Rick Packer, my colleague in Atlanta, GA. In the article, Rick talks about the necessity of “setting aside individual preferences to focus on the collective good” within a team. He also highlights some real world illustrations of how team leaders can practice this discipline, based on the The Five Dysfunctions of a Team model.

This is always a tough concept to live out, so I know you’ll find Rick’s article helpful!

Read more about Rick here.

Other Resources

Client Story: Team #1

What do we mean by Team #1? Listen to this client story. Feat. Keith Hadley https://player.vimeo.com/video/739288182?badge=0&autopause=0&player_id=0&app_id=58479

The 7 C’s of Creating Smooth Sailing Meetings

The 7 C’s of Creating Smooth Sailing Meetings

John Cleese had it right when he filmed his hilarious video, “Meetings, Bloody Meetings.” As a Principal Consultant with The Table Group, the subject of meetings is often discussed when working with leadership teams on their journeys to organizational health.

Building a Legacy  While Navigating Chalk

Building a Legacy While Navigating Chalk

The essence of the model are five behaviors that all great leaders must embrace:

1.     Develop their leadership team

2.     Manage their subordinates (and making sure they manage theirs)

3.     Be willing to have difficult and uncomfortable conversations when necessary

4.     Run great meetings

5.     Communicate constantly and repetitively to employees