New episodes released every Friday!
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Living in the Now, with John Doe
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Unchecked Preferences
This month’s Thoughts from the Field (September, 2022) is written by Rick Packer, my colleague in Atlanta, GA. In the article, Rick talks about the necessity of “setting aside individual preferences to focus on the collective good” within a team.
Accountability – Mindset Shift
Embracing Accountability requires a mindset shift.
Rethinking the Leader’s Role in Meetings
In my work with executive leaders, I observe a lot of team meetings. One dynamic I take interest in is the role of the team leader in that meeting. A few people have stood out in a positive way because (1) they led very productive meetings and (2) their approach was more rare than common…. they were often the quietist person in the room.
The Organizational Health Advantage – Life Cycle of Growth
In this episode, James and Keith identify 6 conversations that are essential for companies to have at the stage where high growth is expected in order to succeed at the next level. Especially during difficult economic times, these conversations are essential.
Stay Tuned For Our Latest Episodes
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